Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer Vacation is Over - and so is my blog hiatus:)

It has been way too long since I have last posted. I apologize. I guess my excuse is Summer Vacation. Not by my choice, the last month has been a break from running due to a hamstring and back injury. Typically when I am injured, I am able to cross train like crazy, but with this injury, I was forced to take a complete break from most forms of activity. This was very challenging, as I love to be active, especially in the summer, but probably very healthy for me. For a while, my theme was Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” Gradually I have been able to add various forms of cross training. It is amazing what a gift physical activity is, when you can’t do it. The week that I did very little activity, I could relate to why people that get out of the habit of exercising think they don’t have enough energy for it. I felt exhausted do nothing…perhaps it was a combination of no exercise and a good case of disappointment. Anyway, I believe I am on the mend. I acknowledge that I have not kept you updated, but I am going to write as though I have kept my blog updated and you are informed, just like old friends pick up where they left off.
The current theme of my life is moving forward; Pray, take a step forward, keep praying, and take another step. Within this, there is going to be joy and suffering. St. Augustine said, “If we never give up, we will be winners.” He was referring to our faith and our reward in Heaven, and I think it applies to the various components of our lives. For me, through a lot of prayer, particularly when I am swimming in the pool, I have been convinced that despite my injuries, I still love to run and to compete, and if I can figure out how to run injury free for a couple of years and stick with it, I will be a winner. Perhaps being a winner means being an Olympian, perhaps it means learning how to deal with disappointment and clinging to God no matter what, perhaps it means both and all that will fall in between these extremes. I wish I could say I know the ending, but that would keep me from seeking. So, I am not giving up until my passion for this strange sport is gone and I am convinced that God has something else for me.
I am indeed moving forward, but this doesn’t mean that I will continue moving forward the exact same way. I have not established my exact plan for trying to stay healthy, but I do know that I want to be a lot more conservative in my training. If I can step back and look at the big picture, I know that I will thrive more in the long run if I have slower yet continuous progress, rather than interrupted training phases. I plan to gradually build miles until I am healthy, and then run with lower mileage than I ran this year and with a little less frequent intensity.  I wish I could always remember the big picture in running and my life in general. The reality is, life would be a lot healthier and bring a lot less anxiety if I could live with patience and insight. When I doubt arriving at the destination that seems so far away, I am trying to remind myself that my ultimate goal is to bring glory to God in all things, and that he has a good plan, and that his plan is the best no matter what I think the “best plan” is.
Last week I was feeling sorry for myself when I read Psalm 97. Part of it really encouraged me. “ The Lord is King, the Most High over all the earth…The Mountains melt like wax before the Lord.” I am moving forward with my life, with a confidence that my God can do anything- Even melt mountains!

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