Friday, April 27, 2012

The Bull Rider

I am currently waiting at the airport to board my flight to San Francisco. Believe it or not, I am finally going to run a race! I am headed to the Peyton Jordan Invitational at Stanford, and I am going to run the 5K. The race is on Sunday April 29th. My race will be at 5:40 Pacific time. You can watch it LIVE on Flotrack:
If you talk to anyone that is close to me, they will attest that I am both anxious and excited. In September, I recall thinking that by the time this meet was here I would feel ready to run fast and would have all of the confidence in the world…WRONG! I hadn’t imagined having a hiatus in my training because of an injury. Despite this, I know that no matter what, I would find some other reason to not feel fully confident. It amazes me that no matter how prepared you may or not be, you never “feel” as ready you would like. Nevertheless, you move forward.
My college coach compared our lives to bull riding. He asked, “How many bull riders are fully confident as they mount the bull or believe they can anticipate every move that the bull is going to do? Does this stop them from getting on the bull?” Not only this, but he reminded us that the rider can’t get on defensively or with any passivity; he gets on with aggression and with a sense of confidence- even if he feels he has none.
As I head to Stanford, I will be the first to admit that I have my own doubts, and if I voiced them, I know I would sound petty and ridiculous. I will not let doubt and fear win! Thus, I am going to strive to emulate the bull rider that, despite some uncertainty, seizes the chance to compete. I will step to the line with a sense of assertiveness, confidence, and gratitude, and will have great ride!
 Since I didn’t use the verses I intended to us at the US Cross Country Championships, I will repeat the same verse and mentality: 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self discipline.” I am not called to be timid, and am eager to run for God’s glory with power, love and self discipline as a good soldier would! To God be the Glory!

1 comment:

  1. Great post and quotes to touch our core. Congrats on your performance at Payton Jordan and winning your heat. You are a true inspiration.
