is a new season for me as well! I recently joined a new team, Twin Cities Track
Club, and I am feeling so blessed and excited.
After much discussion with the people I love and prayer, I decided that
it was a good fit for me. The team has goals of supporting post-collegiate
athletes that want to continue to train and compete. Also, they want to promote
health and wellness through the sport of track and field in the Twin Cities. I
was initially attracted to the team because it connects me with many athletes
that are faster than me and can hopefully pull me to better performances. It is
incredibly motivating to be surrounded by people that are dedicated to their
own training. I am excited to get to know the women on the team and to train
with them. When I found out they also have a goal to serve and unite the
running community, I was so excited. It truly amazes me how running can unite
people and I am excited to see how TCTC can facilitate the uniting of people of
all ages and abilities in the community. The team is fairly new and I am
excited to be a part of it as it continues to grow and develop!
Upon joining the team, I started working with Chris Lundstrom. I
have great respect for what he does and think he has a lot of great wisdom and
insight. I have always entertained the idea of Chris Lundstrom coaching me in
the back of my mind, but didn’t know how the opportunity would arise. For the
last year and a half, I have been blessed to have my sister Bekah Metzdorff
coach me. She helped me to learn to listen to my body, allowed me to
communicate with her and partner with her in my training, and kept me healthy!
It is hard to justify leaving a good situation. After Bekah assured me that
that she will continue to advise and support me, recognizing that she is busy with her new store, Mill City Running, and thinking something a little
different might be just what I need to stay focused on my training, I jumped at
the opportunity to be coached by Chris. It all happened so fast and I am so
grateful to have this chance to work with such a gifted coach!
As I begin this new
season, there is always a sense of anxiety and excited anticipation. Two weeks
ago I was sitting in mass and heard the reading, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and
all these things will be added to you.
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each
day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6:33.I was so encouraged and
convicted to remember that all I can do is seek the Lord each day and trust the
next day will take care of itself. I don’t want to be so worried about what the
next season will bring and miss out on the current one. I wont deny that I
can’t wait for the days of the dry hot pavement of summer, but I don’t want to
miss out on the present season filled with the simple joys like the ice melting
and tossing its huge chunks aside!